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Featuring: Gay Military Rochester Hills Michigan - Join Our 100% Free Site Now!

Gay Military Rochester Hills Michigan - Contact them 100% Free!

Very active Dating site, with a lot of members in your neighborhood.

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Age 32 From Allouez, Michigan - Online Now
Man Seeking A Man (815 Miles Away)

Buscando amor y relaciĆ³n seria joven que busca la felicidad

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Just looking

Age 44 From Kalamazoo, Michigan - Online Last 24 Hours
Man Seeking A Man (717 Miles Away)

civilian that is usually attracted to guys in the military. Wanted to join the air force, but medically couldn't

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I love guys who work out

Age 32 From Alanson, Michigan - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (859 Miles Away)

I just graduated high school. I enjoy running, swimming, and playing basketball and baseball. I'm joining the National Guard of Michgigan. I'm 6 foot 1 and 217lbs. I wanna find someone who enjoys doing the same things that I like to do.

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I am a very good guy

Age 51 From Traverse City, Michigan - Online Today
Man Seeking A Man (797 Miles Away)

I am a laid back kind of guy looking to meetnew guys out there.

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It's more fun nikkid!

Age 38 From East Lansing, Michigan - Online Today
Man Seeking A Man (786 Miles Away)

Hey guys, just a college boy here, finishing up my BA and hoping to go for my Masters. Just looking for fun guys to chat with and get to know :P Hit me up!

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Wasn't expecting that one!

Age 37 From Jackson, Michigan - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (779 Miles Away)

Great sense of humor, love to have fun, have a good head on my shoulders, I'm a man. It's not very easy to find other gay people in the Army, I haven't been successful yet. I just need a few friends, it's kind of lonely in uniform.

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Feature Chatroom for Gay Military Rochester Hills Michigan!

Gay Military

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